Mira Monkey’s Magic Mirror Adventure is one of the best. children’s books I’ve ever seen. It is truly innovative by combining a well-written story with kinesthetic dance moves to get kids active. Studies show that kids benefit from movement in their learning and this book embodies that knowledge so nicely. Impeccable writing creates a wonderful story that I enjoyed just as much as my daughter did. It’s the perfect bedtime story to get all the wiggles out before settling down. Parents can dance and shimmy right along with their child and Mira Monkey as they build stronger family connections and facilitate excellent reading skills and fluency.
The illustrations are one of the most special parts of this book. They are absolutely stunning! Bright, bold colors and sweet faces will draw you and your kids in as you fall in love with Mira Monkey. This gorgeous book will easily become a new family favorite!
—Amazon Customer (Chelsea)
This latest in the Dance It Out series by Once Upon a Dance incorporates imagination and whimsy into an unusual and playful story. Though the primary plot focuses on Mira Monkey, nearly every picture includes cheeky fairies posing and dancing nearby. The text briefly introduces the fairies and the antics they might be involved with, but they are more of a physical presence than a textual one. Colored pencil-style illustrations fill the left side of each spread, utilizing shading and color to give nearly tangible texture to Mira’s world.
... This inclusive and engaging tale is a great fit for imaginative children who like to move.
—Mary Lanni, Librarian Reviewer
The arrival of the long-awaited carnival day brings Mira Monkey to the beach for an assortment of festivities and fun. There are games and contests, yummy food to enjoy, and all sorts of creative activities. The only thing worrying Mira is the threat of rascally fairies, but the coast looks clear. So Mira has a blast while creating art, making a pizza, and sailing a paper boat. A shiny mirror in the sand catches the monkey’s attention so she picks it up. Gazing in the hand-held mirror has the devastating effect of transforming her into a bug, a vulnerable creature indeed. Before long, the scary adventure as a small insect ends and Mira returns to the carnival, glad to be a monkey once again. All the while, the adorable little fairy can be spotted posing in the background no matter where Mira goes.
Mira Monkey’s Magic Mirror Adventure is a lovely interactive book for children, led by the accomplished Ballerina Konora. The guided movement sections on each page are a perfect outlet for youthful energy. Besides honing coordination, these descriptive boxes help children cultivate the skill of imagination as they get physically involved with the story. Scenes come to life as readers are encouraged to put their hand over their eyebrows to shield sensitive eyes from the sun or squeeze juicy lemons to imitate making lemonade. Stealing the scene on almost every page, though, is the mischievous impish creature. I found myself wanting to jump up and parrot the graceful little fairy’s movements as much as the explained ones from the ballerina host. If you’re looking for a refreshing change of pace for your young book lovers, Mira Monkey’s Magic Mirror Adventure will be an energetic adventure like no other!
—Indies Today